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Honoring Karen

Karen Colini Dahlia Presentation.png

The Design Network is establishing a scholarship fund in honor of our beloved and incredibly talented long time member Karen Colini.  We have been blessed with many years of Karen Colini's passion for plants, her sharing of knowledge, kindness, generosity and witty humor.  She has been an inspiration and mentor to so many over the course of her career.  The Design Network has helped launch and grow many a career in horticulture and design.  In honor of Karen's passion, we would like to offer financial assistance to an individual dedicated to improving their community through horticulture or a related discipline. 

We would like to share the beautiful, poignant words of Karen's daughter Katie:

"The flowers remind us that life is fleeting. The evolution of the garden shows beauty and promise as it transitions through the seasons.......

Farming  has taught me an important lesson in seizing the moment to make the most of a short time, whether it's planting or harvesting season.  Each year we are gifted with the opportunity to grow and we have to take it.  The best opportunities, the most beautiful moments, come and go so quickly. "Blue Angel" clematis shines as she watches over the flower field..."

Karen with Blue Angel Clematis_edited_edited.png
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